Know Your Humidity
For proper guitar maintenance, control the temperature and humidity whenever possible.
Purchase a hygrometer/thermometer and keep it in your case. If you
afford it, purchase two. Put the second one in the room where you
typically store your guitar.
Keep the temperature and humidity at recommended levels. Check your
product manual. If you have no product literature, the most common
recommendations I've seen are for 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit and 45-55%
relative humidity.
If the area is too dry, use a humidifier to raise the moisture
level in the room. You can use a guitar humidifier, such as the one made
by Dampit, or a room or house humidifier.
If you use a Dampit, or other small humidifier,
make sure you wipe any excess water off before inserting it into your
instrument's sound hole, or the case. If you use a room or house
humidifier, never allow the moist air to blow directly on your guitar.
If the area is too wet, use a dehumidifier to lower the moisture level.
Never allow a heating or cooling vent to blow directly on your guitar!
To minimize the affect of changes in temperature and humidity
levels, keep your guitar in its case. Also, never store it in the direct
path of a vent or against an outside wall where temperature and
humidity can be significantly different from the rest of the room and
can change rapidly.
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