Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring brings new fun at Rhapsody Music

Practice has begun for 2011 Junior Rhapsody Bands.  Every Thursday night, the students and teacher meet and work on a variety of classic rock and pop songs.  Some artist highlights include Journey, Rolling Stones, and Taylor Swift.  The students age from 8 years old to 15 years old. They enjoy making music with their friends and fellow students at Rhapsody Music.  Rhapsody Music offers lessons for Drums, Guitar, Piano and Vocals.  If anyone of any age is interested in lessons, feel free to call at (507) 387-5938.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Well we are hanging in there through the snow and cold temps.  We have the temperature set to 72 and the humidity is at almost 50 percent.  It feels like a rain forest in here.  So even if you don't play an instrument come on down and hang out in the most comfortable business around.  The snow drifts are close to 6 feet tall and yet the snow keeps falling.  We are sick of the snow but always willing to suck it up and go to work for you.  Thanks for being our customers even through the coldest season of the year.